Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Garden

Took some pictures of my garden, so I can remember what not to do! I always plant too much and too close. Hard to judge when the plants are teeny tiny! LOL

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Its been a long time since I last posted

I guess I'm not very good at this blogging thing, cause I havent posted in many months. I have been pretty busy with family stuff.... heres the family.

Friday, March 12, 2010


The word BELIEVE has specail meaning for me, while in rahab my youngest daughter made the whole family bracellets that said BELEIVE on them, they all wore them in support of me, because they all were beleiving in me. Eight months later I am still giving them reason to believe!!!

Felt a Feeling

Made this with someone specail in mind!!! *grin*

Thursday, March 11, 2010

How to felt

This shows you how to needle felting is done. It is such an amazing craft.

Its already March!

Newest felting craze for me!
I made this one for my Mom for her Birthday.

Well I havent felted all that much, just a few flowers. I have it in my mind that these will sell, and will sell fast. They are easy to make, and I can keep them at a lower cost. My idea is to have each of them holding a different sign. Te guy on the end is a bit scary, not sure what he would be saying.